Electronic Till System, Epos Systems - London
Electronic Till System, Epos Systems +44 8000 336 888
Start with monitoring your employee's performance with your POS till system UK. See what they are selling and not selling. Find if they require more training or a refresher on upselling.
Also, you can use incentives to get more sales contests that motivate your staff with rewards. For instance, an individual with the highest average sales in a week gets an award, or the individual who can sell an 'x' product along with a 'y' product the most times in a month gets rewarded.
Tracking the data, generating reports, and developing contests can all be done through a POS system.
Unit 4, York House, Langston Road, Loughton, IG10 3TQ, United Kingdom
08000 336 888, 44 (0)20 3056 1898
It is ok to contact this poster with commercial interests.
London, United Kingdom