Toyota Lexus Xenon HID Bulb - London

Toyota Lexus 90981-20023 9098120023 Xenon HID Bulb
Xenons4U is an online retailer for trading highly functional and specialized automotive products. We are providing services all over the UK. Check our offer for the best Philips D4S XenEco 42402 Xenon HID Bulb that means investing in the best lighting you can find. With Philips D4S Xenon HID bulbs, you can be confident that you’re investing in the quality you’d expect from such a world-renowned brand.Not only are genuine Philips XenEco 42402 D4S HID Xenon bulbs reliable, efficient, and crafted from materials designed to last, but they also provide more lumens than any other bulb, thereby ensuring you can see and be seen in all weather conditions. Driving when it’s wet, foggy or snowy, for instance, is far from pleasant, but Philips D4S Xenon HID bulbs are designed to alert other drivers of your presence and ensure you have maximum visibility at all times. To buy this high-performing HID bulb just visit our website for complete details!

Posted on : last year, #2473, 3 views

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London, United Kingdom

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