Short Term Futures/ FX Quant Researcher - London
Short Term Futures/ FX Quant Researcher
Managing all aspects of the research process, including methodology selection, data collection and analysis, prototyping, back-testing, and performance monitoring
Improvement of existing strategies
Portfolio optimization
Evaluating new datasets for alpha potential
Contributing to the continuous improvement of the investment process and the team's research and trading infrastructure
Excellent academic credentials, (best if top University, quantitative discipline, advanced degree, Finance is a plus);
Relevant market experience, (systematic investing and macro). Ideally you will have experience in short term macro futures.
Strong technical/programming skills
Mature individual with collegial interpersonal skills
This role is ideal for a quant who has spent 3-4 years in one place and looking to transition into a very collaborative set up where they can work very closely with management on the development of strategies.
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It is ok to contact this poster with commercial interests.
London, United Kingdom